Learn more about why and how we INNOVATE. TRANSFORM. EXPERIENCE.

Let’s break the ice! We know changes can be overwhelming, so let’s get acquainted. We’ll give you a sneak-peek into our world before you make any decisions.

In 2017, the unstoppable Anika had a lightbulb moment: Why not channel her creative powers into something that benefits just about everyone? Before that, she was already juggling motherhood, a full-time corporate gig, heirloom crafting, and interior decorating side work. Phew! But that didn’t stop her from learning and growing. And thus, CRAFT by Anika was born! From a one-woman show, it has continued to bloom into something bigger and even more beautiful.

Whether it’s designing the inside of your dream home, decking it out with luxurious décor, or crafting one-of-a-kind pieces, we tackle every project with passion and dedication to ensure your ultimate satisfaction. From consulting with fellow business owners to
virtual home decorating services, we’re all about making dreams come true!


With a keen eye for detail and a passion for excellence, we strive to provide our clients with unique and transformative experiences. We are dedicated to bringing innovative solutions to the table and work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive customized services that meet their specific needs. We believe that every project is an opportunity to create something truly special and are dedicated to going above and beyond to exceed expectations. At our core, we are a team of problem solvers, always looking for new ways to help our clients achieve their goals. EXPERIENCE the results with us.


Anika - CEO

Anika Tarasiewicz

Founder & CEO

Anzah Nadeem

Content Writer

Alexya Trujillo-Hall

Client Services Associate

Jessica - Webmaster

Jessica Marenge

Web Administrator

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